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Kate Bodin

They Found Her....but....

Updated: Jun 2

On November 4th 1998, the probate court had given the Elizabeth Lund Home 30 days to locate my birthparents before scheduling a court hearing. The agency, at that time, had a staff member who conducted the court ordered searches. On December 15th, the day before my birthday, the agency called me to tell me that they had found my birthmother Irene and had spoken with her. Irene told them that she was old and had put that part of her life behind her and did not want any sort of contact with me. The woman from the agency tried to get Irene to acquiese, but she simply was not interested. In a last ditch attempt, the agency gave Irene their address and suggested that she might be interested in writing me a letter, through the adoption agency.

The agency called me at work to tell me that Irene wanted no contact with me. I was devastated, so hurt and rejected. I felt like I'd been given up again. I couldn't believe that she didn't want to connect with me. I'd been searching for so long and had such hope. I thought that it would have been easier if the agency had found that she was deceased - at least she wouldn't have rejected me again. What a miserable birthday present. And why, you might ask, would the agency think that calling her the day before my birthday was a good idea? I cried and cried.

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Rejection cuts deeply. I'm sorry this happened, and I hope there is more to be revealed in the fullness of time.



Oh Kate, I can't imagine how painful that must have been!!



I’m not surprised you cried - your birth mother obviously had her reasons but that doesn’t make your grief any less. I have to say that I felt the same when I knew my real father had died but at least it was “decided” for me by circumstances and wasn’t what he had chosen. Rejection is so hard to deal with - my heart goes out to you. M xx 💕💕



I cannot begin to imagine your hurt and pain at this rejection you felt again after your birth mom said no Kate. All intermixed with the birth of your son would be such an emotional roller coaster😢

Kate Bodin

Thanks so much Clare. My son was 16 by this time but the pain was awful.


Anthony Goode
Anthony Goode

Oh Kate! So hard x

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